Belief #1: Your body is designed to heal

At the heart of healing naturally is optimal digestive function. With optimal digestion, nutrients are efficiently extracted from the foods we eat and delivered to the cells to support growth, fuel metabolism and facilitate repair.

When troublesome symptoms emerge anywhere in the body they can always be traced back to digestive dysfunction and the food you eat, whether you experience digestive symptoms, or not. If the nutrients you take in are not fully digested, they will be unavailable for cells. This is the point of breakdown in health, at the cell.

When the nutrients are made available to cells, cells are programmed to regenerate and repair, or maintain, health. So simple!

Belief #2: The food you eat matters

Functional nutrition as a new paradigm for health is popping up every where, and for good reason – it gets results. When people take the time to investigate their story, connect the clues, identify their root causes and do the work to create new food and lifestyle habits, they start to FEEL BETTER!

The existing medical system tells you to believe that food and lifestyle have NOTHING to do with health or illness, but that health or illness depends on things like LUCK or GENETICS and that drugs and surgery are the only answers. But it’s not true!

Food and lifestyle habits are the FOUNDATION of health. 

Food carries information that can turn genes on AND OFF! Read more about epigenetics here.

There is an Ayurvedic proverb I love that portrays this sentiment, it goes like this:

“When diet is wrong, medicine if of no use.
When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” 

You are not powerless, and there is hope, even if you are already suffering a chronic condition and taking medication, choosing a holistic approach can make a difference!

Belief #3: Personalized nutrition is key

If you have ever googled your symptoms or diagnosis, you have experienced confusion about your health. The reason is every symptom or diagnosis has different root causes for each person and so each set of symptoms or diagnosis will end up responding to different remedies.

For example, if you are experiencing acid reflux, it would be helpful to know if it was caused by dietary choice, over eating, stress, or a digestive dysfunction, like hernia, low stomach acid or low enzyme production.

A common medical approach in all cases of acid reflux would be to use an acid reducing, or blocking, drug, with disregard for WHY acid reflux is happening. This is akin to taking your car to your mechanic to investigate why the ‘service engine soon’ light is on and having the mechanic ‘solve’ the problem by disconnecting the light – crazy!

You deserve BETTER!

A holistic approach would view each case differently aiming to solve the underlying causes to improve FUNCTION and RESOLVE symptoms, thus eliminating the worry of deeper problems arising in the future.

Digestive symptoms, even minor ones, like burping, bloating, gas, mild indigestion and acid reflux, are the body’s way of letting you know something is going on. Taking the time to understand these important messages from the body, and repair them fully, is essential long-term health and longevity.

Holistic Nutritional Consultant Functional Nutrition Labs