GAP in the System

GAP in the System

GAP in the System

Frustrated with your medical care? 

Working as a holistic nutritionist in a pharmacy gave me a unique view point of the medical system. I was an outsider, on the inside.

Patients told me about their frustration with medications not working or developing unwanted side-effects. They told me they felt their doctor rushed through short appointment times sending them home with too little information about what was happening and what, if anything, they could do at home between appointments. They felt isolated and defeated, unable to do anything but wait for their next appointment, weeks or months away.

Patients feel unheard, uncertain and unsupported.

Despite their diligence to following medical protocols, pharmacists were frustrated with patients returning regularly with complaints of medications not working, or of unwanted side-effects. They did their best to interpret the doctors prescription and get clarification when possible. In the end, patients were deemed non-compliant.

Doctors and pharmacists feel defeated, ineffective and exhausted.

There is a GAP in the system.

This GAP shows up when doctors rush through short appointment times unable to fully hear your story, or when you ask about alternative or complementary options. Medical professionals are highly trained in their field but many are not familiar with, or trained to discuss options outside of their expertise.

Doctors want to know WHAT. 

The medical system is designed to diagnose the WHAT and then offer “X for Y” solutions. You know, like when you have a rash and are offered a cream to suppress the immune response so the rash clears up (sometimes) no matter what caused it?

Patients need to know WHY.

Understanding WHY requires TIME to investigate the reason for the symptoms or diagnosis and time is not a resource the system allows.

Patients decline asking questions due to time constraints during the appointment and fear judgement by being brushed aside, not for being wrong, but for wanting to discuss options outside the scope of practice.  This leaves patients confused about what EXACTLY to do to help themselves between appointments. They lack motivation and support and are in need of information and inspiration.

“This GAP creates misunderstandings, lack of empathy, decreased compliance and ultimately halts the healing process.” – Andrea Nakayama

There is a way to build a bridge.

I help people just like you do the work between appointments. Needs of patient: be heard, trust me, realistic plan w specific action steps, support tools and recipes, understanding of WHY, follow up and encouragement along the way. (ART)

Take back your power. 

No matter where you’re at with your health, there is always more you can do that your doctor may not have told you or may not even know about.

Embrace the support you need between appointments. 

If you experience the gap between you and your doctor, schedule a FREE chat and let me help you.

Holistic Nutritional Consultant Functional Nutrition Labs